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Usage outside Laravel

If you are not using Laravel, you can still use the App Store IAP package. We will show you how to do this in this section.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require imdhemy/appstore-iap

Receipt Verification

To verify a receipt, you need to create an instance of the Verifier class and call the verify() method. The Verifier class accepts three parameters:

  1. The Http Client, and you should decide which one to use, a production or a sandbox client.
  2. The receipt data, which is a base64 encoded string.
  3. The password, which is the shared secret of your app.

Make sure you don't hardcode the password in your code, you should use an environment variable instead.

use Imdhemy\AppStore\ClientFactory;

$client = ClientFactory::create();
$sandboxClient = ClientFactory::createSandbox();

$receiptData = 'base64 encoded receipt data';
$password = 'your shared secret'; // don't hardcode this

$verifier = new Verifier($client, $receiptData, $password);
$excludeOldTransactions = true;

$receipt = $verifier->verify($excludeOldTransactions, $sandboxClient);

// Get the receipt status
$receiptStatus = $receipt->getStatus();

if ($receiptStatus->isValid()) {
// The receipt is valid
} else {
// The receipt is invalid

You can find more about Selling subscriptions and products on the App Store section.

Server Notifications

App Store IAP package supports both v1 and v2 server notifications. Just make sure which version is set in you App Store Connect account. For both versions, you need to create an endpoint or a route to handle the notifications received from the App Store.

use Imdhemy\AppStore\Jws\Parser;
use Imdhemy\AppStore\Jws\AppStoreJwsVerifier;

$signedPayload = $request->getSignedPayload(); // Should be the request body received from the App Store
$jws = Parser::toJws($signedPayload);
$verifier = new AppStoreJwsVerifier();
if ($verifier->verify($jws)) {
// The notification is valid

$decodedPayload = V2DecodedPayload::fromJws($jws);
// Then you have access to the notification attributes

} else {
// The notification is invalid

V1 Server Notifications

use Imdhemy\AppStore\ServerNotifications\ServerNotification;

$attributes = $request->all(); // Should be the request body
$serverNotification = ServerNotification::fromArray($attributes);

// Then you have access to the notification attributes
$eventType = $serverNotification->getNotificationType();

// based on the event type, you can get the related attributes