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Liap provides a POST endpoint liap.serverNotifications to receive the Server notifications from different providers. This route uses a query variable provider to define the service provider.

ProviderURIQuery Value
Google Play/liap/notifications?provider=google-playgoogle-play
App Store/liap/notifications?provider=app-storeapp-store

You can add custom configurations to this endpoint through the routing key in the config file liap.php. For instance, you can assign a middleware or add a custom route prefix.

'routing' => [
'signed' => false,
'middleware' => 'my_middleware',
'prefix' => 'my_prefix'

// .. Other configurations are trimmed

Generate a signed URL

In order to set up the server notifications, the service provider asks you to provide a URL to receive the server notifications. LIAP allows you to easily create a "signed" URL which have a "signature" hash appended to the query string. This allows LIAP/Laravel to verify that the URL has not been modified since it was created.

You can generate them using the following composer command:

php artisan liap:url

It will ask for the provider:

Select provider:
[0] All Providers
[1] App Store
[2] Google Play

If you didn't enable signed URLs, it will ask for your confirmation to generate signed URLs:

Select provider:
[0] All Providers
[1] App Store
[2] Google Play
> 0

Signed routes are disabled. Do you want to generate signed routes? (yes/no) [no]:
> yes

Based on your answers, it will generate a table with the following columns:

| Provider | URL |
| App Store | http://localhost/liap/notifications?signature=<signature>&provider=app-store |
| Google Play | http://localhost/liap/notifications?signature=<signature>&provider=google-play |

The generated URLs will be used to receive the server notifications.

Validating a signed route requests

In order to verify that an incoming request has a valid signature, you should set the routing.signed key to true.

'routing' => [
'signed' => true, // This is false by default

// .. Other configurations are trimmed

If the incoming request does not have a valid signature, the middleware will automatically return a 403 HTTP response.