Back to dark theme

April 9, 2023 - 0 min read

I always liked dark themes, but I came across this blog post by Brent, and I thought I’d give it a try. I installed the Light lite theme on my PHPStorm and WebStorm. In the beginning, it wasn’t comfortable, but I thought I just needed to get used to it and I could even modify the theme to my liking.
I pushed myself to use it for around two months, but I couldn’t get used to it. Finally, I decided to go back to the dark theme. I’m using the Nord theme, and I’m happy with it.
Whenever I google for “Dark theme vs Light theme”, I get a lot of articles, and YouTube videos, saying that light themes are better for your eyes. I don’t know if that’s true, but I know that I’m more productive with dark themes.
It could be because I’m from the old school of using white chalk on a blackboard? 🤔😅