Building a Robust Movie Recommender Using KoalaTs and MongoDB - Part 1 🐨 🎬


January 18, 2025 - 9 min read

A sleeping koala
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Last week, I wanted to try out KoalaTs in a real-world project to see how it would perform, and to get some insights into what should be the next improvement. I decided to build a simple movie recommender using KoalaTs and MongoDB. Once, I had the simple version working, I decided to dive deeper into the project and make it more powerful and robust.

Today, I will show you the simple version of the movie recommender, and next week, I will discuss how to make it more powerful. You can find the code for this project on my GitHub repository. Let’s get started!


The basic idea is to store the movies into a MongoDB database and get advantage of MongoDB Atlas search moreLikeThis query to get similar movies. The better movie attributes you have, the better recommendations you will get. Needless to say that the amount of data also plays a big role in the quality of the recommendations.

Project setup

First, you need to create a new KoalaTs project. You can do this by running the following command:

npx @koala-ts/cli create koala-recommender

Then, we need to dockerize the project to make it easier to run. You can find the Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml in the GitHub repository.

MongoDB setup

We are using the mongodb/mongodb-atlas-local:8 image to run a local MongoDB Atlas instance. Unfortunately, seeding the search index with the container startup is not supported yet. So, we need to do it ourselves. You can do this manually if you are running MongoDB Compass. I have created a script to do this for my unit tests.

KoalaTs comes with Vitest by default, which we will use to write out unit tests. You still can use any other testing library you like, but KoalaTs is built with Vitest in mind, because everyone should! πŸ˜„

The script is located in the tests/_setup/global.ts

The basic idea is to create a movies collection and insert a temporary document, then create a search index with a dynamic mapping, and finally delete the temporary document. The temporary document is not necessary, but it helped to debug the search index creation.

Talking about testing is beyond the scope of this article, but you can find the tests in the GitHub repository.

Connecting to MongoDB

KoalaTs is a database-agnostic, but it recommends using the native MongoDB driver. I used the powerful KoalaTs .env configuration files to store the MongoDB connection string.

Let’s install the MongoDB driver:

npm install mongodb

Then update our environment variables:

# .env

And for testing, I used a different database:

# .env.test

Now, we can connect to MongoDB using the following code:

import {Db, MongoClient} from 'mongodb';
import * as process from 'node:process';

export let db: Db;
export let client: MongoClient;

export async function connectToDb(): Promise<void> {
    // I used here the `process.env` to get the environment variables directly
    // but as a best practice, you should extract them to a configuration file under the `/src/config` directory
    client = new MongoClient(process.env.MONGODB_URI as string);
    await client.connect();
    db = client.db(process.env.MONGODB_DB as string);

This code will connect to the MongoDB instance and monkey-patch the db and client variables to be used in other parts of the application. We need to call this function in the index.ts file before starting the server, to ensure that the database connection is established only once.

// src/index.ts

import {create} from '@koala-ts/framework';
import {appConfig} from './config/app';
+ import {connectToDb} from './infrastructure/database';

const app = create(appConfig);

// The top-level await works like a charm because KoalaTs was built with ES modules in mind
+ await connectToDb();

console.log('Server is running on http://localhost:3000');

The Movie document

As mentioned earlier, I started with a simple version, but once again, the better the attributes, the better the recommendations. Here is an example of a movie document:

  "_id": {
    "$oid": "6786c3566e2c67647853df7d"
  "title": "The Godfather",
  "genre": [
  "plot": "The aging patriarch of an organized crime dynasty transfers control of his clandestine empire to his reluctant son.",
  "releaseDate": {
    "$date": "1972-03-24T00:00:00.000Z"

Creating the movie endpoint

We need to create an endpoint to add a movie to the database. We will use the POST method to create a new movie. This can be done by creating a new controller under the src/controllers directory.

// src/controllers/MovieController.ts
import {type IScope, Route} from '@koala-ts/framework';

export class MovieController {
    @Route({method: 'POST', path: '/movies'})
    async store(scope: IScope) {
        scope.response.status = 201; // Added for now, because the default is 404!

Don’t forget to add the controller to the controllers array in the src/config/app.ts file.

// src/config/app.ts
import { HomeController } from '../controller/HomeController';
import { type IKoalaConfig } from '@koala-ts/framework';
+import { MovieController } from '../controller/MovieController';

export const appConfig: IKoalaConfig = {
    controllers: [
+       MovieController,

Then we need to implement the createMovie service. This service will be responsible for creating a new movie in the database.

// src/application/movie/creat-movie.ts
import {IMovie, IMovieProps} from './types';
import {db} from '../../infrastructure/database';

export async function createMovie(props: IMovieProps): Promise<IMovie> {
    const doc: Partial<IMovie> = {...props, releaseDate: new Date(props.releaseDate)};

    const result = await db.collection('movies').insertOne({...doc}); = result.insertedId.toString();

    return doc as IMovie;

Then we need to call this service in the controller:

// src/controllers/MovieController.ts
import { type IScope, Route } from '@koala-ts/framework';
+ import { createMovie, IMovieProps } from '../application/movie';

export class MovieController {
    @Route({ method: 'POST', path: '/movies' })
    async store(scope: IScope) {
+        scope.response.body = await createMovie(scope.request.body as IMovieProps);
         scope.response.status = 201;


Now, the time has come to get the recommendations. We will create a new endpoint to get the recommendations for a movie.

// src/controllers/MovieController.ts
import {type IScope, Route} from '@koala-ts/framework';
import {createMovie, IMovieProps, recommendMovie} from '../application/movie';

export class MovieController {
    @Route({method: 'POST', path: '/movies'})
    async store(scope: IScope) {
        scope.response.body = await createMovie(scope.request.body as IMovieProps);
        scope.response.status = 201;

    @Route({method: 'POST', path: '/movies:recommend'})
    async recommend(scope: IScope) {
        scope.response.body = await recommendMovie(scope.request.body as IMovieProps);

The recommendMovie function will receive a movie object and return the top 5 recommended movies. Here is the code for the service:

// src/application/movie/recommend-movie.ts
import {IMovie, IMovieProps} from './types';
import {db} from '../../infrastructure/database';

export async function recommendMovie(props: Partial<IMovieProps>): Promise<IMovie[]> {
    const cursor = db.collection('movies').aggregate([
        {$search: {moreLikeThis: {like: props}}},
        {$limit: 5},
        {$addFields: {score: {$meta: 'searchScore'}}}

    const result: IMovie[] = [];
    for await (const movie of cursor) {
        result.push({, id: movie._id.toString()} as IMovie);

    return result;


MongoDB Atlas is using Lucene under the hood to provide the search capabilities. The moreLikeThis query to work, you need to seed the Database with many documents, in other words, if you tried recommending a movie with only one or two movies most likely you will get no results.


While building this project, I was impressed myself with how easy it was to build a REST API using KoalaTs. There is always room for improvement, and below is a list of things I will improve in KoalaTs:

Next steps

In the next article, I will discuss how to make the movie recommender more powerful, stay tuned! Let the KoalaTs be with you! 🐨

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